Worldwide Applications (Pty) Ltd was established in South Africa in 2000. Since then the company has not only been successful in the South African market, but its success has grown in some international markets as well. In 2010 the company established Worldwide Applications Ltd in the United Kingdom to function as a base for serving clients in the European markets. The main office for Worldwide Applications is in Pretoria, South Africa.
The core business of the company is the development of customer specific information systems. The Company has developed a number of fraud prevention systems and has also developed a variety of other diverse systems. These include a number of Internet-based Commerce systems, Security and Biometric Access Control Systems, Forensic Investigation Systems and Management Information Systems. The company also provide consulting and project management services.
- Provide customer satisfaction by rapid delivery of useful software solutions
- Welcome changing user requirements, even late in the development process
- Develop working software which is delivered frequently (weeks rather than months)
- Use working software as the principal measure of progress
- Sustain development with the ability to maintain a constant development pace
- Promote close, daily co-operation between business people and developers
- Build projects around motivated individuals, who should be trusted
- Provide continuous attention to technical excellence and good design
- Continuously simplify systems in order to make them more user friendly
- Promote self-organizing development teams
- Adapt to regular changing customer circumstances
At Worldwide Applications we believe the future of computer system development lies in mobility and access to information from anywhere in the world. In order to achieve this, future system development need to focus on new technologies and methodologies that will support the development and support of such information systems.
These include a major shift from traditional Waterfall System Development Methodologies to Agile Systems Development Methodologies. The main benefit of Agile System Development Methodologies is that it provides for easy system development in an ever changing user environment.
Recent growth in Internet accessibility and bandwidth availability means that people can access the Internet from almost anywhere in the world. This means an ever evolving list of Internet Based applications being developed, for a growing list a markets. The Worldwide Application strategic direction emphasise the incorporation of the follow concepts for future system development projects:
The concept of Agile System Development consists of a group of software development methodologies based on iterative and incremental system development.
This provides that system solutions evolve as the requirement changes.
Agile System Development promotes adaptive planning and evolutionary development and delivery in a time-boxed iterative approach, which encourages rapid and flexible response to change.
With Agile Systems Development methodologies provision is made for change interactions throughout the development cycle.
The popularity of mobile computing devices, such as tablet computers and smartphones, proves that user will in future require more access to information while on the move.
New advances in the capability of mobile computing devices have opened the opportunity to migrate more and more traditional computer software systems onto the mobile platform.
In the next computing generation Intelligent Agents will become especially prevalent. Personalized agents will understand user preferences and will interact with other more generic agents to provide the type of services the user desire outside their normal operating environment.
The crux of a good IA will be the ability to recognize change and to either adapt to that change automatically or to request a decision on a path to proceed.
Intelligent Agents are set up to client preferences and forwards required or wanted information to the client before they request it, meaning that relevant data will be easy to obtain and access.
Web-Based Applications are becoming more popular by the day due to the ubiquity of web browsers, and the convenience of using a web browser as a client, often referred to as thin clients.
The ability to update and maintain web applications without distributing and installing software on potentially thousands of client computers is a key reason for the popularity of Web-Based Systems.
Another huge advantage of Web Based Applications is the inherent support for cross-platform compatibility.